BITE INTOの意味、~をだめにする

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2006.12.14(Review of 2004.05.27 edition)

Here's something good for you to chew on today!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオムCATEGORY: 間違いやすいボキャブラリー
BITE INTO   ~をだめにする


  • To bite into something desirable - such as profits, gains, or sales - is to reduce it.

    Be Careful! We do NOT usually use this expression to talk about reducing things that are NOT desirable, such as costs, stress, or unemployment.
  • bite into は、例えば、利潤や利益、売り上げなど、好ましいものの価値を損なう、という意味です。



  1. The taxes there are really biting into our profits. Perhaps we should think about moving our operations to someplace cheaper.
  2. Rising fuel prices have been biting into the bottom line of companies in nearly every industry.
  3. With a number of successful start-ups biting into our market share, it's time we start advertising more aggressively.

英会話レッスンJoin us again tomorrow for another taste of the best in business English!