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2006.12.15(Review of 2004.06.17 edition)

For people who like to carry around lots of cash, these can come in handy!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオム


  • To have deep pockets is to have a lot of money.
  • have deep pockets は、お金をたくさん持っている、という意味です。


  1. I need to find someone with really deep pockets to provide the capital to get my business off the ground.
  2. (teenager to his mother)
    a: Uncle Jack just sent me a check for $5,000 to help pay for tuition. Do you think I should accept it?
    b: Don't worry. Uncle Jack has very deep pockets.
  3. Of course we'd love to lease space in the new mall downtown, but our pockets just aren't that deep.

英会話レッスンNow have a terrific weekend!