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Today's Lesson
DECLARE   申告する


  • To declare an item at customs is to tell the customs officer about items you are carrying for which you have to pay a customs tax.

    A declaration is the act of declaring something or the form (= document) used for this purpose.
  • declare とは、持ち込む品の中で、関税を支払うべきものについて、税関の職員に申し出る、つまり、申告する、という意味です。

    名詞形は declaration で、何かを申告する行為、あるいは、そのために使う用紙(書類)、申告書をさします。


  1. (customs officer to arriving passenger)
    a: Do you have anything to declare?
    b: Just two bottles of wine I bought in Italy.
  2. (airport employee to passengers at customs)
    Passengers with goods to declare should proceed (= go) to Aisles 1 through 3. Passengers with nothing to declare, please proceed to Aisle 4.
  3. Please have your customs declaration form ready to show the customs officer.

英会話レッスンThe WordMaster bids you farewell, with warm regards ... and a clear conscience!