CONTINGENCY PLANの意味、万一の場合に備えての計画、危機管理対策

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2007.03.14(Review of 2004.01.20 edition)

Even the “best laid plans” can fail. That's why it's good to have a backup!

Today's Lesson
CONTINGENCY PLAN   万一の場合に備えての計画、危機管理対策


  • A contingency plan is a plan prepared in advance to be used if a particular problem, emergency, or other situation requiring action occurs.
  • contingency plan は、特別な問題や緊急事態、あるいは何らかの行動を必要とする状況が起こった場合に使えるように、あらかじめ用意しておく計画のことです。


  1. I realize it's risky, so we also have a contingency plan in place in case it doesn't work.
  2. In my talk today, I'll be outlining the government's contingency plan for dealing with an outbreak of avian flu.
  3. a: I've applied to a graduate program in business management, so hopefully at this time next year I'll be studying for my MBA.
    b: What's your contingency plan if you don't get in? That program is awfully competitive, you know.

英会話レッスンMuch success to you today!