LAUNCH (v.) (n.)の意味、開始する、開始

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2007.04.04(Review of 2004.04.14 edition)

Time to send off the latest @Work edition! Counting down, 5...4...3...2...1...

Today's Lesson
LAUNCH (v.) (n.)   開始する、開始


  • To launch (verb) a campaign, business, Web site, etc. is to start it, and to launch a new product or service is to start marketing it.

    A launch (noun) is the start of a campaign, a business, the marketing of a new product, etc. It is also an event to announce or celebrate such a start.
  • 動詞の launch は、キャンペーンや事業、ウェブサイトなどを立ち上げる、または、新しい商品やサービスを売り出す、という意味です。

    名詞の launch は、キャンペーンや事業の開始、新商品の発売など、という意味になります。また、何かの開始を発表したり、祝ったりするための催しをさすこともあります。


  1. We've launched an aggressive new sales campaign that we hope will double last year's sales figures.
  2. My partner and I had planned to officially launch the new company in March, but we're still waiting for our incorporation application to be processed.
  3. They'll be launching their latest line of women's sportswear in January with an eye-catching commercial to be aired during the Super Bowl.
  4. Over 200 guests from the media are expected to attend tomorrow's launch. A full evening of launch events have been scheduled, including a press conference and, of course, a gala launch party at the Berlitz Suites Hotel.
  5. (at the press conference)
    We're very excited to announce the launch of our new, totally voice-controlled digital planner, small enough to fit in your wallet.

英会話レッスンNow wasn't THAT a thrill ride!