CON (ARTIST、MAN) の意味、(人)をだまして~させる(詐欺師)

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2007.04.16(Review of 2003.09.17 edition)

Greetings! We're pleased to be welcoming you to another week of Berlitz WordMaster@Work!

In Buddhism, people are encouraged to practice “Right Livelihood”, that is to make a living without doing harm to others. Well, this week we examine what could be called “Very Wrong Livelihood”: the unethical, immoral, and criminal manner in which a few people choose to get by - or get rich. So let's start looking at “The Bad Boys of Business” by introducing you to a master of deceit...

Today's Lesson
CON (ARTIST/MAN)   (人)をだまして~させる(詐欺師)


  • To con (verb) somebody is to trick them into doing something (for example, giving you their money) by lying to them.

    A con (noun) is an act of this kind.

    A con artist or con man is someone who cons people.
  • 動詞の con とは、嘘をつくことによって、人をだまして(例えば、お金を出させるなど)何かをさせる、という意味です。


    con artist または con man は、誰かをだます人、つまり、詐欺師のことです。


  1. I got a call the other day from someone pretending to be my son. He said he'd been in a traffic accident and tried to con me into transferring money into his account.
  2. A retired couple in our neighborhood were conned out of their life savings by a man selling bogus (= fake) government bonds.
  3. a: Look! I just got an e-mail that says I've won $100,000 in a sweepstakes (= a type of lottery)!
    b: Don't answer it. It's just a con.
  4. She seemed like such a nice woman. I still can't believe that she's a professional con artist.

英会話レッスンSee you tomorrow!