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2007.04.20(Review of 2004.09.09 edition)

When a referee at a football game sees a player break one of the rules of the game, he blows a whistle to stop the action and notify the people in the stadium of the player's misconduct.

And when the game is even bigger than football, how much more important it is for people to sound the alarm when wrong deeds are done!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオム


  • To blow the whistle on an illegal or dishonest act (or on the person doing the act) is to tell other people (for example, the police or the press) about the act so that it stops.

    A whistleblower is someone who blows the whistle on an illegal or dishonest act, especially an act occurring within the person's own organization.
  • blow the whistle on とは、違法行為や不正行為をやめさせるために、これらの行為(または、それを行う人)について、(例えば、警察や報道機関など)第三者に告げる、つまり、告発する、という意味です。

    whistleblower とは、特に、自分自身が所属する組織内で行われている違法行為や不正行為を当局に知らせる人、つまり、内部告発する人のことをさします。


  1. (fictional news report)
    A former employee has blown the whistle on government building inspectors who had been taking bribes from contractors.
  2. A few courageous workers finally blew the whistle on the cover-up and lost their jobs as a result.
  3. The 37th president of the United States was forced to resign because of information provided by an FBI whistleblower implicating him in the Watergate scandal.

英会話レッスンNow that the WordMaster has made the world safe once again, you can rest easy and enjoy the weekend! Bye for now!