
HOME > WordMaster® > (NON-)NEGOTIABLE | 交渉の余地がある(交渉の余地がない)

2007.09.07(Review of 2005.01.21 edition)


After yesterday's deadlock, it looks like both sides might finally be willing to bend a little!

Today's Lesson
(NON-)NEGOTIABLE   交渉の余地がある(交渉の余地がない)


  • If something is negotiable, it can be discussed or can possibly be changed.

    Non-negotiable means “not negotiable”.
  • negotiable は、ある物事について、話し合ったり、変更したりする可能性がある状態、つまり、交渉の余地がある、という意味です。

    non-negotiable は、交渉の余地がない、という意味になります。



  1. We are willing to do whatever it takes to reach an agreement. At this point, everything is negotiable - price, payment schedules, delivery dates - everything.
  2. (job advertisement)
    Exciting position with direct marketing firm. Competitive salary plus commission. Only experienced persons need apply. Starting date negotiable.
  3. Here's a list of our negotiable and non-negotiable demands. If you can't agree to the latter, then there's no point in us even sitting down at the bargaining table.

英会話レッスンAfter two weeks of tough negotiations, we've reached the following important agreement: We all deserve some time off!!

Have a terrific weekend!