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2007.12.20(Review of 2006.02.02 edition)

We'd like to begin today's edition by stressing how important this word is. Really!

Today's Lesson


  • To emphasize something (for example, a point in a speech or particular words in a written text) is to show that it is especially important.
  • emphasize とは、何か(例えば、話の中の論点、文章中の特定の言葉など)が特に重要であることを示す、という意味です。



  1. (editing a written report)
    This last point is so significant that I think it's worth emphasizing with italics.
  2. In the CEO's speech, he emphasized the importance of ethics in business.
  3. Let me emphasize that all customer information must be kept strictly confidential.
  4. The article emphasized how difficult it is to break into that country's market.
  5. I can't emphasize that last point enough. (= That last point is very important.)

英会話レッスンYou see? We weren't kidding!