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2008.02.20(Review of 2006.06.21 edition)

Here's a WordMaster@Work original!

Today's Lesson


  • To plagiarize is to copy someone else's words or ideas and pretend they are original.

    The noun form is plagiarism.
  • plagiarize とは、ほかの人の文章やアイデアを流用し、それがもともと自分のものであるように見せかける、つまり、盗作する、という意味です。

    名詞形は plagiarism です。



  1. (university dean firing a faculty member)
    By plagiarizing Cynthia's research, you have not only violated the ethical standards of our profession, but you have lost the respect and trust of everyone at this institution.
  2. The screenwriter has been accused of plagiarizing from a short story published in the 1960s.
  3. It wasn't difficult to spot the plagiarized passage. It had been copied almost verbatim (= using exactly the same words) from Evan's book.
  4. Since the advent of the Internet, universities have had to become more vigilant in their effort to fight student plagiarism.

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