WORK HABITSの意味、業務上の習慣

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2008.06.02(Review of 2006.02.13 edition)


How are things at the office these days? We hope they're going well, but if you sometimes find yourself overwhelmed by work and stress, we have good news! This week, we're reviewing the WordMaster's 5-step program for improving workplace performance. Don't forget to take notes!

Today's Lesson
WORK HABITS   業務上の習慣


  • Work habits are the ways that you perform your job and behave while at work.
  • work habits とは、仕事を進める方法や、職場での行動のことです。



  1. I developed good work habits early. Even as an intern, I always kept my desk organized, made “to do” lists, prioritized tasks, and found many ways to streamline my work.
  2. (supervisor to employee during a performance review)
    I've been very impressed by your excellent work habits.
  3. His poor work habits included arriving at the office late, surfing the Internet during working hours, and leaving jobs to the last minute.
  4. (fictional advertisement)
    During this very special two-day workshop, we'll teach you how to dramatically improve your work habits to become more productive and happier at the office than you've ever been before.

英会話レッスンWordMaster@Work - a habit you won't want to break!