CUSTOMER LOYALTYの意味、顧客忠誠心、カスタマー・ロイヤルティ

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2008.08.06(Review of 2005.05.17 edition)

Hello again, and welcome back to the glamorous world of business English, where the sun meets the surf and beautiful people gather to talk about the WordMaster's latest creations! What's all the buzz about today? Well, let's take a look!

Today's Lesson
CUSTOMER LOYALTY   顧客忠誠心、カスタマー・ロイヤルティ


  • Customer loyalty is the degree to which a customer continues to choose one company over others when buying a product or service.
  • customer loyalty とは、消費者が商品やサービスを購入する際に、他の企業ではなく、ひとつの企業のものを継続して選ぶ度合い、つまり、顧客忠誠心のことです。



  1. Berlitz Computer is as well-known for its customer loyalty as for its innovative products. One might even say, “Once a Berlitz user, always a Berlitz user.”
  2. During difficult economic times, people's need to find the best value for money often means reduced customer loyalty.
  3. Continuous effort to ensure customer satisfaction will encourage customer loyalty and contribute to long-term customer retention.

英会話レッスンWatch out for paparazzi on your way home!