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Welcome back from the holiday, and welcome to the first edition of WordMaster@Work's autumn season! The long-term forecast is for clear skies, cool breezes, and a long bout of prosperity!


  • An economic indicator is a statistical measure that tells us something about the condition of the economy; for example, the unemployment rate or the consumer price index.
  • economic indicator とは、例えば失業率や消費者物価指数など、経済状況が分かる統計的な尺度、つまり、経済指標のことです。



  1. The Bureau of Government Statistics publishes quarterly and annual economic indicators and makes them available online.
  2. I'm retired on a fixed income, so two economic indicators I follow very closely are interest rates and the inflation rate.
  3. We took a careful look at trends in the country's economic indicators over the past ten years before deciding to invest there.
  4. “Leading” economic indicators, such as employment statistics and stock market returns, anticipate changes in the economy (= change before the economy does).

英会話レッスンWe wish you well!