WAGE EARNERの意味、賃金労働者、稼ぎ手

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We realize it's not always proper to talk about how much money people earn at their jobs, but in the interest of promoting outstanding business English, we hope you'll allow us this small indiscretion. The key word for the week is “wage,” and may we suggest that you begin by using the hyperlink to review our previous edition on the subject?

Today's Lesson
WAGE EARNER   賃金労働者、稼ぎ手


  • A wage earner is someone who makes money by working, especially someone receiving wages rather than a fixed salary.
  • wage earner とは、働いてお金を稼ぐ人のことです。特に、決められた給与ではなく、時給や日給などの形で賃金を受け取る人のことをさします。



  1. The number of female wage earners in the United States increased suddenly during World War II as women took over many of the jobs left vacant by the men overseas.
  2. With two wage earners in the family now, things are a lot easier for us financially.
  3. (calling the National Tax Agency)
    I'd like some information about tax laws for foreign wage earners.

英会話レッスンEnjoy the day!