RACE vs. ETHNICITYの意味、人種 vs. 民族(民族性)

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Hello again!

“Beauty is only skin deep” and, often, so are people's judgments of one another. So it's good to keep in mind another old aphorism that applies as well to people as to literature: “Don't judge a book by its cover.”

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 混同しやすい言葉
RACE vs. ETHNICITY   人種 vs. 民族(民族性)


  • Someone's race is the group of people with whom they share similar PHYSICAL characteristics, such as skin color, hair texture and color, or eye shape and color.

    The adjective form is racial.

    Someone's ethnicity is the group of people with whom they share similar CULTURAL characteristics, such as language, customs, religion, or country of origin (= where they or their parents, grandparents, etc., come from).

    The adjective form is ethnic.
  • race とは、肌の色、髪の性質や色、眼の形や色など、同じような身体的特徴をもつ人々の集団、つまり、人種のことです。

    形容詞形は racial で、人種の、という意味です。

    ethnicity は、言語、慣習、宗教、出身国(本人や親、祖父母などの出身地)など、同様の文化的特徴をもつ人々の集団、つまり、民族(民族性)のことです。

    形容詞形は ethnic で、民族の、という意味です。



  1. Joining the company will give you the opportunity to work side by side with people of many different races from all over the world.
  2. Although often called the first black president, it would be more accurate to say that he's the first American president of mixed race.
  3. The former worker has charged the company with racial discrimination.
  4. (in a company brochure)
    This company is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, age, or religion.
  5. It is illegal to ask applicants about their ethnic background or country of origin during a job interview.
  6. You'll have to hire a consultant to help you tailor your advertising campaign to the particular ethnic group you're targeting.

英会話レッスンTake care!