(IN、OUT OF) STOCKの意味、在庫(がある、切れで)

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Although today's WordMaster has nothing to do with investing, it's well worth investing a few minutes of your time to add it to your ever-growing stock of business English expressions!

Today's Lesson
(IN/OUT OF) STOCK   在庫(がある/切れで)


  • Stock (noun) is the available supply of something; for example, the products in a store or the office supplies in an office.

    If a product is in stock, it's available in a store, warehouse, etc. If it's out of stock, it's no longer available.

    If stores stock (verb) a product, the product is available there.

    To stock (verb) a store, shelves, etc., is to fill them with a supply of one or more products.
  • 名詞の stock とは、お店にある商品やオフィスにある事務用品など、使用できる供給物、つまり、在庫のことです。

    商品について in stock と言うと、お店や倉庫などで手に入る、つまり、在庫がある、という意味です。out of stock と言うと、もう手に入らない、つまり、在庫切れである、という意味になります。

    stock a product と言うと、商品が在庫としてある、という意味です。

    stock a store または stock shelves などと言うと、1つ以上の商品をお店や棚に置いていっぱいにする、という意味になります。



  1. (employees in a hardware store)
    a: Do we still have some of those 15-watt energy saver light bulbs on the shelves?
    b: I think so, but our stock is running low. I was going to order some more today.
  2. (employee to customer at furniture store)
    Our new stock comes in over the weekend, so why don't you come back on Monday and see what we have then?
  3. We have a large stock of discontinued beauty products that we're selling at 50 to 80 percent off.
  4. (customer to salesperson at auto parts store)
    a: I need a set of Berlitz wiper blades.
    b: All right. Let me see if we have any in stock.
  5. (to a customer)
    That item has been out of stock for two weeks. It sold out fast.
  6. (customer to salesperson at optical shop)
    a: I'd like another pair of frames just like these.
    b: I'm sorry, but we no longer stock those frames.
  7. (advertisement)
    We stock over 50,000 square feet of Persian rugs in all sizes, textures, and colors.
  8. a: What do you do for a living?
    b: I work at a supermarket. I stock the shelves in the morning.

英会話レッスンTake care!