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This week, we're doing something we've never done before. WordMaster@Work is joining forces with WordMaster For Life to observe Earth Day 2009! After all, a healthy environment is everyone's business!

Today's Lesson
SUSTAINABLE (economy)   (経済が)持続可能な


  • Development, growth, an economy, etc., is sustainable if it can continue for a period of time or if it can continue for a very long time because it does not harm the environment or use up a natural resource.
  • 開発、成長、経済などについて sustainable というと、環境に害を与えない、もしくは天然資源を枯渇させないので、ある期間続けることが出来る、または長い間続けることが出来る、つまり、持続可能な、という意味です。



  1. The current level of growth in that country is not sustainable.
  2. We've contributed over $5 million to organizations promoting sustainable development in Africa.
  3. Unless we quickly find ways to create a sustainable global economy, the global environment may be irreversibly damaged.
  4. (company spokesperson)
    This company has been committed to sustainable business practices since its founding in 1983.
  5. After 20 years of lobbying on behalf of sustainable agriculture, Owen left politics to start his own organic farm.

英会話レッスンAll the best to you and yours!