
HOME > WordMaster® > DEFECTIVE | 欠陥のある

2009.10.29 (Review of 2007.05.31 edition)

Yes, all things do fall apart in time. But when there's a problem with a product even before it's taken out of the box, then someone must be held accountable!

Today's Lesson


  • A defect (noun) is a problem or broken part in something, making it imperfect.

    To be defective (adjective) is to have a problem or broken part of this kind.
  • defect (名詞)は、物を不完全にする、問題や破損部分、つまり、欠陥のことです。

    defective (形容詞)は、そのような問題や破損部分がある、という意味です。



  1. The investigation found that the accident had been caused by a mechanical defect in the train's braking system.
  2. (customer to store clerk)
    I'd like to return this radio. It seems to be defective.
  3. There's an outlet store on Highway 33 that sells slightly defective clothing at huge discounts.

英会話レッスンUntil next time!