HOME > WordMaster® > FREEZE | 凍らせる、凍る

For Life
2010.01.26 (Review of 2004.11.30 edition)

Think about it: all of the most lovely and characteristic features of the winter months in northern climes - snowflakes, icicles, a field covered in fresh powder - are the result of a simple phase change that takes place when water is exposed to sub-zero temperatures. See, chemistry really IS beautiful!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 間違いやすいボキャブラリー
FREEZE   凍らせる、凍る


  • If you freeze something or if it freezes, its temperature drops below zero degrees centigrade and it becomes hard.

    If we say that a person or place is freezing, we mean that they are very cold.

    Be Careful! The other forms of the verb freeze are froze and frozen.
  • freeze は、物の温度を摂氏0度以下にして固い状態にする、または、物の温度が摂氏0度以下になって固い状態になる、つまり、凍らせる、凍る、という意味です。

    人や場所について、freezing と言うと、その人がとても寒いと感じている、または、その場所がとても寒い、という意味になります。

    注意:freeze の過去形は froze、過去分詞は frozen です。



  1. Have you ever made ice cubes by freezing fruit juice?
  2. I often save time cooking by making dishes in large amounts and then freezing the leftovers for another day.
  3. My kids love to skate on the lake when it freezes in winter.
  4. You must be freezing in those wet clothes. Take them off, and I'll get you some dry ones.
  5. It's freezing in here! Can't we shut the window?
  6. It was so cold outside that my hands and feet froze. I nearly got frostbite!
  7. My mother works full-time, so we eat a lot of frozen food at home.
