
HOME > WordMaster® > ATTEND | 出席する

2010.02.17(Review of 2006.09.25 edition)

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Today's Lesson
ATTEND   出席する


  • To attend an event, class, etc., is to go there or be there.

    Attendance is the act of attending. It is also the number of people who attend.
  • attend とは、催しや授業に行く、あるいはそこにいる、つまり、出席する、という意味です。

    attendance とは、出席する行為のことです。出席している人の数、つまり、出席者数をさすこともあります。



  1. (written invitation)
    You are invited to attend the 1st Annual Berlitz WordMaster@Work Conference on Business English Development.
  2. a: How do you manage to find time to attend classes while working full-time?
    b: I attend night school.
  3. We're flying to Charleston to attend our daughter's wedding.
  4. (instructions to new employee)
    We have a daily morning staff meeting from 8:45 before the office opens. Attendance is required.
  5. My son received a certificate from school for his perfect attendance record (= he didn't miss a day of school).
  6. Attendance at the real estate seminar is expected to be around 200.

英会話レッスンTake care!