TOUCH BASEの意味、連絡を取る

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Some English-language Web sites seem to adopt a policy of “We never met an idiom we didn't like.” Well, the WordMaster believes that all idioms are NOT created equal. Let's face it, there are thousands of idioms out there that most native speakers never use - and rarely hear. That's why the WordMaster won't introduce an idiom unless the time you invest in learning it will pay you real dividends right away.

So what's this week's theme? You guessed it: Must-Know Business Idioms! Now let's start the ball rolling!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオム
TOUCH BASE   連絡を取る


  • To touch base with someone is to contact them for information or advice or in order to hear about recent news.
  • touch base with someone と言うと、情報やアドバイスを得たり、最近の情報について聞いたりするために、誰かと連絡を取る、という意味になります。



  1. (on the phone)
    I've only got a minute, but I just wanted to touch base with you about tomorrow's meeting.
  2. I'll have to touch base with headquarters before I can make a decision on this.
  3. It's important to touch base with your supervisor on a regular basis to keep him or her informed.

英会話レッスンWe hope you'll touch base with us again tomorrow!