(GO) VIRALの意味、伝播力が強い(状態になる)、口コミで広まる(ようになる)

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In the virtual age, what used to happen via “word of mouth” now more commonly (and quickly!) occurs via “word of MOUSE”!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオム


  • An e-mail, a video, advertising, etc., is viral if it rapidly spreads from one person to another via the Internet.

    To go viral is to become viral.
  • 電子メール、動画、広告などについて viral と言うと、インターネット上で、人から人へ急速に広まる状態をさします。

    go viral は、インターネット上で、人から人へ急速に広まるようになる、という意味です。



  1. I got another one of those viral e-mails from Jamie. It was something about Nostradamus' prediction that the world will end in 2012.
  2. When done right, viral marketing is effective and costs almost nothing. Why pay for expensive TV or print advertising when your message can be spread for free on blogs, video sharing sites, and by friends forwarding e-mails to friends?
  3. They filmed a publicity stunt involving a life-size model of a dinosaur, put it on the Internet, and it quickly went viral, getting over 100,000 hits per day.

英会話レッスンHave a terrific weekend!