
HOME > WordMaster® > DISTRIBUTOR | 販売業者、卸売業者

2010.04.14(Review of 2005.08.30 and 2007.10.18 edition)

It's been two months since Valentine's Day and one since White Day. Perhaps it's time to replenish your supply of chocolate?

Today's Lesson
DISTRIBUTOR   販売業者、卸売業者


  • To distribute a product is to supply it to stores and other businesses where it is sold.

    The noun form is distribution.

    A distributor is a business that provides products to other businesses.

    Be Careful! Unlike some suppliers, a distributor does NOT manufacture a product. Rather it purchases the product from the manufacturer to resell to other businesses.
  • distribute とは、製品を販売する店や他の企業に製品を供給する、つまり、流通させる、という意味です。

    名詞形は distribution で、流通、という意味になります。

    distributor とは、他の企業に対して製品を供給する卸売業者のことです。

    注意: supplier とは違い、distributor は製品を製造しません。製造業者から製品を購入して、他の企業に転売します。



  1. Berlitz for Health markets and distributes our natural food products to major retailers nationwide.
  2. The Internet has radically changed the way books and music are distributed.
  3. Their merger with the Japanese corporation should help them achieve wider distribution in Asia.
  4. Outsourcing warehouse operations can help reduce distribution costs.
  5. (information for retailers on a guitar maker's Web site)
    For a list of our distributors in North America, click here.
  6. In just ten years, they've become the country's largest distributor of electronic components.

英会話レッスンWe wish you well!