
HOME > WordMaster® > ACCOUNTABLE | 説明責任がある

2010.05.11 (Review of 2006.10.25 edition)

Some say that those who arrive at heaven's pearly gates are often asked to justify their actions on this earth before being allowed to enter. Now that's real accountability!

Today's Lesson


  • To be accountable is to be responsible for what you do and expected to explain your actions if asked.

    The noun form is accountability.
  • accountable とは、自分がすることに対して責任があり、尋ねられた場合は、自分の行動について説明することが求められる、という意味です。

    名詞形は accountability で、説明責任、という意味です。



  1. I put you in charge of this project, and I expect you to be fully accountable for the results.
  2. (at a meeting of senior managers)
    Of course we're accountable to the shareholders for keeping this company profitable, but we also have an obligation to our employees. I just think it's too soon to start talking about downsizing.
  3. Manufacturers take product safety very seriously, since they can be held accountable for any injury caused by their negligence.
  4. The NGO is working to bring more accountability to business, especially regarding the environmental impacts of corporate actions.
  5. As more and more local governments report huge budget deficits, the subject of government accountability to taxpayers has never been more important.

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