CASH FLOWの意味、キャッシュフロー

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2010.06.28(Review of 2008.02.25 edition)

Hello again! We're happy to have you back!

When you run a business, there's money coming in and money going out. But to stay on its feet, a business must make sure that there's money in hand when it's needed. Let's look this week at the financial balancing act that a business has to manage in order to STAY in business!

Today's Lesson
CASH FLOW   キャッシュフロー


  • A business's cash flow is the amount of money coming into and going out of the business over a period of time.
  • cash flow とは、一定期間に、企業に入ってくるお金と出ていくお金、つまり、キャッシュフローのことです。



  1. You may want to consider buying a rental property to generate cash flow after you retire.
  2. We don't expect the company to begin paying significant dividends until its cash flow improves.
  3. For a small company, it had an impressive after-tax profit last year. Nonetheless, it went out of business because it didn't have enough cash flow to pay daily operating costs.
  4. (manager in accounts receivable department)
    We're trying to solve some of our cash-flow problems by requiring customers to settle their accounts within 60 days instead of 90.

英会話レッスンGo with the (cash) flow!