
HOME > WordMaster® > REVENUE | 収入、歳入

2010.06.29 (Review of 2008.02.26 edition)

Here's a fancy word for something no business can get enough of!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 間違いやすいボキャブラリー
REVENUE   収入、歳入


  • Revenue is the total amount of money that comes into a business or other organization over a period of time.

    Be Careful! Revenue can be used both as a countable and uncountable noun.
  • revenue とは、一定期間に、企業やその他の組織に入ってくるお金の総額、つまり、収入や歳入のことです。

    注意: revenue は、数えられる名詞としても、数えられない名詞としても使われます。



  1. (fictional news report)
    Berlitz Solar is forecasting revenue of $77 million for the first quarter.
  2. I'm using the revenue generated from royalties on my book to pay for a private school education for my kids.
  3. Since the start of the recession, state and local tax revenues have been dropping across the country.
  4. (from a magazine publisher's annual report)
    Advertising revenues rose 7% last year.

英会話レッスンBe well!