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2010.08.05 (Review of 2006.01.23 edition)

All week we've been accompanying the leaders of the corporate world through the halls of power. Today we take a ride on a high-speed executive elevator to see the view from the top!

Hold on to your hats!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: イディオム


  • The top brass are the people with the highest-ranking (= most important) positions in an organization.
  • top brass とは、組織の中で最上位の(最も重要な)人々のことを言います。



  1. (two co-workers)
    a: Who is that who just came in? He looks important.
    b: He's one of the top brass at headquarters. I think he's vice president of worldwide sales or something like that.
  2. a: Are you nervous about your presentation this afternoon?
    b: Very. All the top brass are going to be there.
  3. a: What are you reading?
    b: It's a collection of interviews with the top brass from five of the world's largest corporations.
  4. I'm not surprised she got that promotion. She's always schmoozing with the top brass.

英会話レッスンIt's going to be a great day!