
HOME > WordMaster® > CHAIR(PERSON)| 議長/議長を務める

2010.08.06 (Review of 2007.10.10 edition)

Our leaders have always sat in “chairs of authority”, either literally or figuratively. But how is it that, over the years, certain kinds of leaders have become the chairs themselves?

Today's Lesson
CHAIR(PERSON)   議長/議長を務める


  • A chair (noun) is a person in charge of a meeting, committee, company, or other organization. Other names for the chair are chairperson, chairman, and chairwoman.

    To chair (verb) a meeting is to act as chair of the meeting.
  • chair(名詞)は、会議や委員会、会社やその他の組織の責任者のことです。他に、chairperson, chairman, chairwoman などの呼び方もあります。

    動詞の chair には、会議の議長を務める、という意味もあります。



  1. Tom was chair of last year's Annual Meeting Organizing Committee.
  2. The current chair is also the founder of the company.
  3. We'll be electing a new chairperson next week.
  4. I'd like you to serve as chairwoman at the symposium.
  5. Masaki is sick today, so I'll be chairing today's meeting in his place.

英会話レッスンGuess what? It's time to say goodbye for a while, and we're not just talking about the weekend. From tomorrow, the WordMaster is on holiday Obon-style and doesn't return until the 16th. Until then, enjoy the summer days and some well-deserved time off. Goodbye!