@Work 2010.10.26 (Review of 2007.02.06 edition)
What's the one quality that no leader can do without?
Today's Lesson
Leadership is the ability to lead others. It is also the activity of leading others.
leadership とは、他の人を指導する能力のことです。他の人を指導、指揮する行為をさすこともあります。
1 My daughter's high school just started offering classes in leadership. They teach things like communication, ethics, and how to delegate work.
2 Leadership is all about motivating people to achieve goals as a team.
a:  What do you think is the most important leadership skill?
b:  Strategic planning ... or the ability to communicate clearly ... or maybe, er ... decisiveness?
4 Under the mayor's strong leadership, crime in the city has dropped 40%.
5 Without Dana's leadership, we might still be just a small, struggling business, instead of one of the fastest-growing corporations in Australia.
英会話レッスン Take care!