
@Work 2010.10.27 (Review of 2005.06.28 edition)
Whether you like to take the bull by the horns or prefer to step back and let your trusted staff tame the beast, today's WordMaster has you covered!
Today's Lesson
HANDS-ON / HANDS-OFF   直接実務に携わる/口出ししない
If a manager is hands-on, he or she manages actively and personally rather than, for example, delegating responsibility or leaving people unsupervised.

The opposite of “hands-on” is hands-off.
hands-on は、管理者が、部下に責任を委ねる、または、部下を監督せずにいるのではなく、自ら積極的に実務を行うことを意味します。

hands-on の反対は、hands-off です。
1 We need a hands-on manager who'll work closely with the people on the factory floor.
2 She's able to be hands-on without micromanaging.
3 My new boss is very hands-off. I'm given a lot more responsibility now than before he took over.
4 I've hired some top-notch people for my staff, so I feel comfortable taking a hands-off approach to supervising them.
英会話レッスン Bye for now!