"GET PAIDの意味 | 支払いを受けるの英語 | 英会話のベルリッツ"

GET PAIDの意味、支払いを受ける

@Work 2010.11.01
Greetings! Well, the year is quickly winding down, isn't it? Today we've witnessed the arrival of November, and hints of December are already being seen (and heard) in stores. It's a time of year when we're busier than ever and one when we spend more than ever. And it's with that last fact in mind that we landed on this week's theme. Enjoy!
Today's Lesson
GET PAID   支払いを受ける
To get paid is to receive money for doing work or for providing someone with a product.
get paid は、仕事をしたことや、誰かに製品を提供したことに対して、お金を受け取る、という意味です。
1 Employees here get paid on the 1st of the month.
2 The work is hard, but we get paid well.
3 We still haven't gotten paid for the shipment we sent them on the 12th.
4 I can't believe you get paid for playing video games!
英会話レッスン Take care!