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2010.12.21(Review of 2007.07.05 edition)

It's hard to imagine life without these!

Today's Lesson
APPLIANCE   電化製品、器具、機器


  • An appliance is a machine or device that runs on electricity or (less often) another source of power and is used in the home or office.
  • appliance とは、電気や(あまり多くはありませんが)ほかの動力源によって動く、家庭や会社で使われる機械や装置のことです。



  1. When we moved to the United States, we had to buy all new appliances: a refrigerator, washer and dryer, vacuum cleaner, air conditioner, rice cooker, TV, and DVD player. Fortunately, the company paid for everything.
  2. They'll be introducing a whole new line of kitchen appliances in the fall.
  3. (advertisement)
    Whether you're looking for a state-of-the-art photocopier or a coffee machine that's easy to clean, we've got office appliances for every need and budget.

英会話レッスンDon't forget to turn everything off before you leave!