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2010.12.22(Review of 2007.07.04 edition)

Our ability to control and direct the flow of electricity in ever more subtle ways has transformed our world many times over. So here's a subtle difference in meaning that deserves your attention!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 混同しやすい言葉
ELECTRIC(AL) vs. ELECTRONIC   電動の、電気の VS. 電子の


  • A machine or device is electric or electrical if it runs on (= uses for power) or produces electricity.

    A machine or device is electronic if it contains transistors, microchips, or similar small components (= parts).

    Electronics (noun; always plural) are electronic machines and devices.
  • electric または electrical は、機械や装置が、電気によって動いたり、電気を発生させたりする、つまり、電動の、電気の、という意味です。

    electronic は、機械や装置が、トランジスタ、マイクロチップ、または同様の小さな部品を含んでいる、つまり、電子の、という意味です。

    名詞の electronics は、常に複数形で用いられ、電子機器や電子装置をさします。



  1. I asked Purchasing to order a new electric pencil sharpener for the office, but they said the distributor is out of stock until the beginning of the year.
  2. The only truly affordable zero-emissions vehicles on the market right now are bicycles. Electric cars and solar and hydrogen-powered vehicles are still too expensive for most consumers.
  3. Hal maintains most of the building's electrical equipment. Give him a call if there's a problem with anything like the lights, heaters, air-conditioners, or elevator.
  4. You should get an electronic dictionary. I use mine all the time.
  5. My brother is a salesman at an electronics store in Akihabara, so he can get me great deals on computers, digital cameras, stereos - anything!

英会話レッスンWe'll take a day off tomorrow to honor the Emperor on his birthday. Then we'll be back on Friday to deliver another high-voltage edition of the WordMaster Challenge.
See you then!