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2011.01.25(Review of 2007.02.27 edition)

Here's a nice, important-sounding substitute for the word “job”!

Today's Lesson


  • A position is a job or rank in an organization.
  • position とは、組織における職や地位のことです。



  1. a: What's your position in the firm?
    b: My job title is Assistant Manager of Quality Assurance.
  2. (job applicant calling Human Resources)
    I'm calling about the position you advertised in the Berlitz Times.
  3. They've offered me a position in the legal affairs department.
  4. During the last 5 years of his career, he held the position of chief technical officer of Berlitz Heavy Industries.
  5. After the restructuring, many people were moved into new positions , and a few positions had to be eliminated.
  6. Susan is obviously very talented. I'm sure it won't be long before she's promoted to a higher position.

英会話レッスンMuch success to you today!