HERE TO SEE.の意味、会いに来ました。

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Hello again!

Knowledge of today's expression will go a long way toward helping you feel more comfortable when meeting with (“seeing”) English-speaking business associates or clients!

Today's LessonCATEGORY: 役に立つ表現
(I'm) HERE TO SEE (someone).   (~に)会いに来ました。


  • When you arrive at someone's office for a business meeting, you can give their receptionist, assistant, etc., your name and say, “I'm here to see (the person's name).”
  • 商談のために、人のオフィスにやってきたときには、その受付やアシスタントなどに自分の名前を告げて、I'm here to see (相手の名前). (~に会いに来ました。)と言います。

(I'm) HERE TO SEE (someone).


  1. (at the reception desk)
    a: I'm here to see Mr. Suzuki. We have a 2 o'clock appointment.
    b: He's just finishing up with another client. Please take a seat. It should just be a few minutes.
  2. (one employee to another)
    a: Who's that in the lobby?
    b: Someone from headquarters. He's here to see the director.
  3. (receptionist to someone walking in the door)
    Good morning, sir. Welcome to Berlitz Catering. Are you here to see Ms. Taylor about the job opening?

英会話レッスンSee you tomorrow!