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For Life
2008.04.18(Review of 2002.05.17 edition)

The store's about to close, so it's time we head for the check-out counter and wrap up this very successful week of bargain hunting!

Today's Lesson
PLUS TAX / WITH TAX   税別 / 税込み


  • If you say plus tax after the price of an item, then the price does NOT include tax.

    If you say with tax after the price of an item, then the price DOES include tax.
  • 商品の値段の後に plus tax をつけた場合、値段に税金が含まれていないこと、つまり、税別、という意味です。

    商品の値段の後に with tax をつけた場合、値段に税金が含まれていること、つまり、税込み、という意味になります。



  1. CUSTOMER: How much is this rice cooker?
    SALESMAN: 17,000 yen plus tax. Altogether it would be 17,850 yen.
  2. It's called a 100-yen shop, but most things actually cost 105 yen with tax.
  3. a: I'm not sure I have enough money. I've only got a ten (= a ten-dollar bill).
    b: No problem. It comes to (= costs) $9.98 with tax.

英会話レッスンTake it slow and easy this weekend. Our best to you!